Calpulli Mexican Dance Company initiated its community-based program, Calpulli Community, in 2006 after years of requests for continuous classes. The program, based initially in Queens, is focused on the folkloric dance and music traditions of Mexico, incorporating lessons in history and fundamentals in dance and music. It emphasizes teamwork and dance as part of a healthy, active lifestyle. Calpulli Community operates year-round and serves a largely Mexican immigrant community. Dance classes are segmented by age, from 5 and up, and include advanced training; our adult beginner class is open and accessible to various physical abilities. Music classes include classical guitar and button accordion for all ages. We are proud to say that several alumni of Calpulli Community have gone on to form part of the professional touring company, work as Teaching Artists, and are active members of NYC's rich arts workforce.
Las clases comunitarias de danza y música son dirigidas por los artistas de Calpulli, y organizadas en lugares asociados en Queens, Red Bank (Nueva Jersey) y New Rochelle. El programa, que está disponible para personas de cualquier edad, se centra en danzas folclóricas y tradiciones musicales de México. La capacitación incorpora historia, fundamentos de la danza y música y trabajo en equipo, además de fomentar un estilo de vida activo y saludable. El programa funciona a través de la donación voluntaria con el fin de hacerlo posible para cualquier estrato social. Todos están invitados a esta experiencia artística única divertida, con movimiento, música y aprendizaje. ¡Sigue a la Comunidad Calpulli en Facebook e Instagram para obtener actualizaciones y más información sobre las clases!
Tuesdays / Martes
Session Dates:
February 18, 25
March 4, 11, 18
Final Performance: March 25
LaGuardia Performing Arts Center
Building E, Room E-242,
31-10 Thomson Ave
Long Island City, NY 11101
Senior dance classes with Calpulli Mexican Dance Company at LaGuardia PAC return! Join Calpulli starting on February 18, 202
Tuesdays / Martes
Session Dates:
February 18, 25
March 4, 11, 18
Final Performance: March 25
LaGuardia Performing Arts Center
Building E, Room E-242,
31-10 Thomson Ave
Long Island City, NY 11101
Senior dance classes with Calpulli Mexican Dance Company at LaGuardia PAC return! Join Calpulli starting on February 18, 2025 for a 5-week dance program. Classes will be held Tuesdays from 10am to 11:30am in Building E, Room E-242 of the community college campus.
Bring comfortable clothes and shoes to move, no experience necessary. All abilities welcomed. Please bring ID for campus security.
¡Regresan las clases de danza para adultos mayores con Calpulli Danza Mexicana en LaGuardia PAC! Únase a Calpulli a partir del 18 de febrero de 2025 para un programa de baile de 5 semanas. Las clases serán los martes de 10am a 11:30am en el Edificio E, Sala E-242 del campus del colegio comunitario.
Trae ropa y zapatos cómodos para moverte, no se necesita experiencia. Todas las habilidades son bienvenidas. Por favor traiga identificación para la seguridad del campus.
Saturdays / Sábados
1:00-2:00pm: 5-8 años/ years old
2:00-3:00pm: 9-12 años/ years old
3:00-4:00pm: Teen/Adultos
Starting again in 2025: January 18th to June 21st / A partir de 2025: 18 de enero al 21 de junio
Count Basie Center for the Arts
Phoenix Productions, 59 Chestnut St, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Sundays / Domingos
1:00-2:00pm Guitar Class
2:00-3:00pm Guitar Class
2:00-3:00pm Accordion Class
2:00 -3:00pm Ages 5-8
2:00-3:30pm Ages 9-12
3:00-5:00pm Adult Beginner Class
3:30-5:00pm Teen/Young Adult
Address: / Dirección:
Frank Sinatra High School for the Arts
35-12 35th Ave, Astoria, NY 11106
Dates/ fechas:
February / febrero 2, 16, 23
March /
Sundays / Domingos
1:00-2:00pm Guitar Class
2:00-3:00pm Guitar Class
2:00-3:00pm Accordion Class
2:00 -3:00pm Ages 5-8
2:00-3:30pm Ages 9-12
3:00-5:00pm Adult Beginner Class
3:30-5:00pm Teen/Young Adult
Address: / Dirección:
Frank Sinatra High School for the Arts
35-12 35th Ave, Astoria, NY 11106
Dates/ fechas:
February / febrero 2, 16, 23
March / marzo 2, 9, 16, 30
April / abril 6, 13, 27
May / mayo 11, 18
June / junio 1, 8, 15
*For online classes: Contact Coordinator to sign up & see instructions below for how to join once you have been registered.
Para clases en linea: Contacte a la coordinadora para registrarse. Puede usar las instrucciones para entrar en la clase después de ser registrado/a.
Note: Parents are to wait outside the building during class time
Nota: Padres deben esperar afuera durante las clases
Sundays / Domingos
Resuming February 2, 2025 /
Regresan el 2 de febrero 2025
1:00-2:00pm All-level Guitar
Sundays/ Domingos
Resuming February 2, 2025 /
Regresan el 2 de febrero 2025
2:00-3:00pm All-level Accordion
Fridays/ Viernes
Invitation by audition only/
Invitación solo por audición
Flamenco Vivo
4 West 43rd St., Suite 608
New York, NY 10036
Studio B
Thursdays / Jueves
Returning in 2025 / Regresan en 2025
Classes: July 10, 17, 24, 31 / Clases: 10, 17, 24 y 31 de julio
Dress rehearsal: August 7 / Ensayo general: 7 de agosto
Performance: August 12 / Show: 12 de agosto
New Rochelle Public Library
1 Library Plaza,
New Rochelle, NY 10801
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class begins to register the new student
To prepare, please arrive with:
Within each section below, along with schedules, you can find release and registrations forms for each program site. You can print, fill out, and bring the signed forms on your first day of class to expedite the process. The release forms are also available when you register through MindBody online.
Por favor lleguen por lo menos 15 minutos antes de la clase para inscribirse.
Para estar preparados, por favor traer:
Dentro de cada sección a continuación, junto con los horarios, puede encontrar los formularios de liberación y registro para cada sitio del programa. Puede imprimir, completar y traer los formularios firmados en su primer día de clases para acelerar el proceso. Los formularios también se encuentran en línea al entrar a su cuenta de MindBody.
Early in the program's history, Calpulli waived mandatory fees and converted to a donation-based model when we saw that dozens of families were not able to enroll their children due to their financial limitations. The Union Square Awards provided the initial investment that allowed the program to flourish under this model. Since then, the Calpulli Community operates based on voluntary donations for youth and at low cost for adults.Calpulli Community offers over 10 different dance and music classes for children and adults in Queens (two locations including East Elmhurst Community School), Westchester County (New Rochelle Public Library), and New Jersey (Basie Center for the Arts), serving nearly 200 individuals every week. The program also operated in Staten Island from 2008 to 2018 but closed due to lack of dance space.
Our most dedicated students are offered the opportunity for advanced instruction, weekly in Manhattan. They are encouraged to express interest to instructors directly, without prompting by parents. Young students have flourished in this model and perform publicly across NYC, gaining valuable stage experience. Some have been featured in performances by the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company, namely as the student characters and dream dancers in Navidad: A Mexican-American Christmas, a story about a young Mexican American in NYC, which was created with feedback from community students. The principal dancer in the show is typically auditioned from advanced students. Many also go on to pursue advanced arts training, and we are proud to share that a total of five students from Calpulli Community now dance professionally with the Company. This is a fulfillment of our long time goal to nurture the cyclic relationship between artistry and community and a goal that will continue as a core of Calpulli Community.
Copyright © 2025 Calpulli Mexican Dance Company - All Rights Reserved.
Calpulli Mexican Dance Company (aka Calpulli Danza Mexicana) is proud to work with and serve individuals from all backgrounds and life experiences and we are inspired to honor and celebrate the shared human experience through our programs. Everyone is welcome in the spaces we hold and create.